Friday, June 11, 2004

Time rests for no one...

It's a real trip how fast time flies by. It amazes me how many memories I carry inside of me now. I knew I'd be able to one day look back on many things but you never truly know what that feels like until you're right here, standing in a place that feels more powerful than deja vu.

I can hear a song and feel an emotion from a time gone by. I can smell the air, remember a face, hear a voice and feel as though loved ones no longer here are just a phone call away. But they're not because time has taken them away.

Time breeds excitement and sadness. I feel like I have a lot to look forward to but in the midst of all that as I reach for dreams, time gets in the way. Sometimes you get a wake up call and realize that certain people wont be around to see you achieve what you dream. So we then hold strong to the belief that they're watching over us and they see us from heaven, reaching our goals and finding happiness. I believe that to be true. I can hear my grandmother saying to my father,"let that boy have some money" and my father would reply "nah, that kid need to work harder and then we'll see..." I'm sure my grandfather just smiles all the time and probably still smokes his pipe in heaven except with a special brand of tobacco. (smile)

Time is truly amazing and as it goes, so goes me... I need to keep reaching until I can no longer reach.

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