Saturday, June 05, 2004

Seems like a blessed day to get this started...

This whole idea of a blog is really intriguing to me. I've always been fascinated by thought based on individual experiences and inspiration. Sort of like opening lost diaries and discovering someone's journey. I hope to share a little bit of my journey here; present, past and future....

I'm excited about today as I will enjoy what I'm sure will be a fabulous Prince concert. I saw that genius a week before last and was amazed by his talent. I always say that if God made that brotha tall, we'd never get to experience such an incredible gift. Prince would probably have taken another route and become a basketball player. So we must thank God for that and thank Prince for listening...

And speaking of being thankful..(smile) I am thankful for many things. I wont list them all but instead, over time I hope that what I share reflects what I'm thankful for. Right now the first thing that comes to mind are the friendships I've been blessed with and family as well. I'm thankful for my mother always being there. She always worries. She's watched me in silence after my heart has taken a beating(yeah, recently). She sees me both as a man my father never became and as a man with my father's determination. She's seen me struggle and soar; fail and succeed. I know she's proud though she's never really vocal about it. That's aight 'cause I can see it. (smile)

But anyways, I want to bring this first post to a close by thanking those friendships which have helped me through everything, good and bad. Help is a fabulous thing, despite what a certain assistant agent expressed to me recently.(I may speak more on that another time) Help is always appreciated, cherished and definitely given back... I'm so thankful for Cherryl, a constant source of light; for Shelia, a woman blessed with strength and a daily reminder of what's right. Angela, always keeping me smiling and laughing at myself; and Jamise, a friend who feels like family... I believe it was a year ago today that we hung out for the first time at the BEA conference. It still amazes me how when we bumped into each other it felt so normal like I was just hanging with my sister... That was so cool.

I got other special friends that would probably punch me if I dont mention them and they have definitely lifted me beyond better days. Folks like Missy aka Darrien and April aka JDaniels... The "aka" sistahs! (smile) They are so cool and special and more reasons why the down times never last too long. As Gladys would say "I guess you could say, that I've been lucky." And to all my true friends...."TRUE" friends... "you're the best thing that ever happened to me." And I would add, as long as you don't ask me to buy you a new car, you aight with me!!! (smile) God bless and always persevere to simply be you. Thanks for checking me out....

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