Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Hot Mess

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Okay..I wasn't planning this at all but I have to follow up on a previous post concerning the "Seattle Chick" because this is beyond funny and just plain stupid. SHE CALLED ME TONIGHT AT WORK! She called to confirm whether or not I received her message last week when she said I couldn't call her, email her, ever again.. cutting all ties..etc etc.. I never responded to the voicemail because uh ra...her message said not to call, email, etc etc ever again... duh? So yeah, she calls me tonight and says she wanted to make sure I got her message. She sounded all non-chalant like this was business or something.. My guess is that she did it for her man who was probably listening in on the other line. And I might understand this if I was a threat to their relationship but I ain't seen this chick in person in more than five years!! I might also understand if we lived in the same city but we don't! I'm in LA, Van Nuys to be specific... If she put on the show tonight for her man, he's got to be THE MOST insecure dude on the planet and at the same time, I take great pleasure in that I must've left a strong romantic imprint on this chick! Ha!(five years ago, seeing her only three times) I can't help but laugh because this is classic... She and her insecure man have too much time on their hands to worry about me but I guess I'm just too fabulous for words...*smile*(laughing at myself now)

Let me leave you with this final fabulous thought... LOVE maturely... and with that said, you should be confident in the love you give and who you give it to.. Don't be a fool trippin off of someone's past.. If you're worried about that, you'll be frustrated and worried forever... In the case of Seattle chick and her insecure man, he's worried about a brotha who's physically thousands of miles away from them and probably a BILLION miles away mentally because it's a RARE occasion when she's even in my thoughts. He needs to worry more about those hundreds of men she'll come into contact with each and every day in passing though if he should ever wake up, become secure in who he is and as I said, love maturely, confidently, he wont care one bit about anyone in passing or anyone from the past because he's representing himself as a real man. I can't see how Seattle chick and insecure man can both look each other in the eyes without feeling stupid... I guess stupidity for them is a confidence builder and thus they both represent themselves as assholes.


Shai said...

She sounds like a lot of folks these days. Confused and scared. Confused about what they want and how to get/keep it. Scared about being alone and working on themselves as the right one finally comes along.

This year I have noticed alot of folks are doing desparate things for love. When it all boils down to it, we all want to love and be loved back. Unfortunately, we let alot of mess get in the way.

I am now focused and disciplining myself for what I want and getting to know me. I have realized just because you click with the opposite does not mean we have to hook up. My bestfriends are men,like brothers, they have supported me and taught me

V, I hope what you want comes to you soon.

VAR said...

Thanks Shai for your great words though this whole thing is strange to me. I can't relate to my now ex-distant friend Seattle chick and her man. Me personally, I would never be so insecure in a relationship as to monitor my woman's email or worry about fellas in her past. I'd rather not be in a relationship if I gotta be concerned about all that.. Just like you, my bestfriends are of the opposite sex and they have all become sisterfriends to me.. Very protective. A couple would like to give Seattle chick a beatdown..lol. The whole incident gets a giant shoulder shrug from me because it was sooooo unnecessary and at the same time I just laugh at the images of two frustrated folks in Seattle who went berserk because I sent an email last week saying "yo, I gotta new book out. Check it out when you get a chance!" lol...

I'm just fine, Shai. I dont want nothing that resembles what these two have... nothing at all..

Shelia said...

It just doesn't make sense to me...2 stupid people deserve to be together...your post said it all...nothing else needs to be said.

nikki said...

you hit the nail on the head. however, both of them are in need of a dose of maturity. he might be insecure because she's loving him in a way that is taking away his sense of self-security. of course, he'd be an idiot to remain in the situation, but love isn't an emotion independent of action and neither is feeling secure...it probably ain't just about him feeling insecure. she's probably giving him reason to feel that way.

MsJayy said...

Hmm...they seem a little, um..."special", don'tcha think? Foolishness. Why call someone that you told not to contact you to remind them not to contact you? You never know, she could have played up your friendship as being more trying to get a rise out of him....stranger things have happened.

kolohe jo said...

Yup! If they aren't in high school then they are both wacked, silly and childish..... Life is too short and filled with other wonderful things!

If this man is afraid of the footsteps you left behind so long ago then maybe..... he needs to change his shoes! ;>

VAR said...

Thank you everyone for your comments.. This whole thing still makes no sense to me and now its just time to move on to bigger, brighter, more fabulous things unless she calls me again to re-confirm that I understood where she was coming from..lol.. Until then, wont you all join me in a roar of laughter as we salute this couple and their journey of love? Those two deserve each other!