Saturday, October 23, 2010

And Then...

and then it was Grandma's turn as she waited for her bus to heaven. In the end, her strength was all but zapped from her completely. She couldn't communicate, she couldn't walk, she couldn't do for herself, and she couldn't even understand completely when her son passed away before her. As much as it might seem ideal to be able to avoid pain and sorrow, I think an individual misses out when one doesn't feel and experience the whole gamut of emotions... Perhaps later on she understood. After she was wheeled in front of the casket, she became a little more quiet. After she'd seen the tears rolling down my face, she kept her head down. And when she was brought home, she didn't eat much... And then three years later on this day(Oct. 23rd) grandma passed away. Senora Mae Rivers. I'm grateful her beautiful spirit remains and the many lessons in life that she taught me through example and pride....

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