Thursday, November 13, 2008

Greatest Place 2 B... the road

Ain't nothing like being on the road.. My favorite place to be... Out on the highway; one adventure after another... This time of the year is synonymous with cruising down the highway for me. I'm reminded of a special memory, driving down interstate 20 about an hour away from Dallas, Texas. It's about 3:00 in the morning and I'm blasting some Parliament while looking forward to making it so close to my second home in east Texas. I didn't expect to make it this far and should've gotten a hotel earlier that night but I was pumped up and my adrenaline just wouldn't allow me to stop until the subwoofer in my car blew out. Awwww man! I was left with music that sounded as if I were listening to a small hand held radio... That deflated all my energy and cruising into Dallas ended up being a big letdown for a moment. I found a place to rest soul but I wasn't down for too long. Once I saw the beautiful country side and fall color drenched trees in east Texas, I was way past excited all over again because that's what its all about to me... being on the road; one unexpected adventure after another... the greatest place 2 B..

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