Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mista Semi-Bigtime

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I'm winking at Bloopty-Bloop with this one! lol.. It's the return of Mista Semi-Bigtime! Yeah, that's me... Giving a shoutout to myself as I'm featured in this new online magazine, written, produced, and directed by bestselling author, NOIRE who is making a huge splash in the literary world right now. I'm honored and blessed to be included in the first issue of her magazine which really looks good. I wish it were on the newstands just so I could hold a copy in my hands... If you're surfing the net be sure to check it out at Dont just checkout my interview but checkout the entire magazine.. It's real cool reading...


Blah Blah Blah said...

You and I are gonna have fun IF we ever meet...LOL

I'mma check you out BigTime...that's your new

Have a good weekend Ant-Nee

kolohe jo said...

We need to start a big scrap book for all your reviews. . .

No one deserves it more than you!