Saturday, December 04, 2010

Narciso Peralta

God took with him another great one from this world. But this man leaves behind one of the most incredible families to ever exist on this planet. I'm sure he feels proud though he left too soon because I was looking so forward to many more smiles, great stories and blessings on the front porch. I will miss Narciso Peralta very much but the little time that I've had in his presence will carry me a long way in memory. And each one of those memories makes me smile. I was just wishing he could be there for the special days ahead and what a thrill it would've been to sit with him on a porch somewhere in the Philippines. I imagine he'll simply be there in spirit and I look forward to that moment. For now I pray he watches over his beautiful family and guide them from heaven. Rest in peace and in love..... always....

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