Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Torture of some kind...

So much discussion about a memo of torture these days. Cheney defends the nonsense. Obama just wants it to go away so he can deal with more pressing issues. He’s got other very capable folks to handle the thorns in one’s side so he can move forward instead of side ways; stepping around all the BS. I’ve got my own personal torture and unlike Obama, mine is inevitable. Nothing is more pressing than to watch your own mother in the stages of losing a tough battle against cancer. She’s strong. She finds ways to smile and joke about something but at the same time I can hear the pain, which is constant. I see the shortness of breath. She can no longer get around or do for self. And it came out of nowhere; this recent deterioration. Last month she was doing somewhat okay. She could get around, she could eat and drink. Now, she’s shutting down. Time is few… This is real torture. Torture of the heart and soul. I thank God for my mother and I thank her for trying her best to prepare me for this time. As she’s gone thru this battle, she’s tried very hard to explain each part of the process to me. She worries about my life ahead of me but I believe I’ll be fine. Besides all that she’s done for me recently, the last two years of my life have been such a major lesson that in a lot of ways I can see the value of its experience despite the amount of negativity involved. I’m a stronger and hopefully wiser person for it. I allowed individuals to come into my life and control it’s direction. I turned a deaf ear to those who really and truly care, not to mention I forgot all promises made to myself. The downfall was huge but I discovered so much during my descent, which provided me with temporary wings, allowing me to return to the surface of sound thinking. Time is precious…

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