Friday, September 16, 2011

Overcast Dayz...

Today was a beautiful, peaceful, overcast day. I was off from work so I decided to visit a couple of cemeteries where my mom and grandmother were laid to rest. Normally, it might take me an hour or and hour and a half to visit both locations but being that this is LA traffic on a friday, it took me twice that amount of time. Still, it was nice to visit and place flowers on their graves, say a few prayers and take in the moment. I sometimes wonder if other family visit as I feel that no one should ever forget and always pay respect to loved ones. I realize we all have our own ways and hold onto the belief that those spirits are perhaps with us all the time but nevertheless, I feel its important to still visit the places where we lay their bodies to rest. Just doing that today made it a special day but after that, LA traffic took away my motivation to do anything else.. I guess I'm not into driving too much like I used to be... God Bless mom and grandmother; Gloria Rivers and Alzata Moorings....